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Control of Pig Reproduction V

Control of Pig Reproduction V

Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig

bp0015cpr9 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Role of uterine immune cells in early pregnancy in pigs

Engelhardt H. , City H. , King G. J.

The immune system discriminates 'self' from 'non-self', and eliminates that which it determines to be non-self. Mammalian pregnancy appears to represent a failure of self-non-self discrimination, yet it is a highly successful reproductive strategy. We present evidence that the immune system of the female pig responds to the challenges of both mating and the presence of conceptuses. Mating induces an influx of inflammatory leukocytes into the endometrial stroma and uterine...

bp0015cpr10 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Regulation of conceptus development and attachment in pigs

Geisert R. D. , Yelich J. V. ,

Implantation/placentation in domestic pigs is preceded by synthesis ot oestrogen by the conceptus to maintain functional corpora lutea throughout pregnancy and a rapid morphological transformation of conceptuses from spherical to long filamentous thread-like structures. Initial conceptus expansion, reaching a metre in length, not only delineates the surface area for placental attachment, but also provides the mechanism for delivery of oestrogen to signal events necessary ...

bp0015cpr11 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Extracellular matrix and the implantation cascade in pigs

Burghardt R. C. , Bowen J. A. , Newton G. R. , Bazer F. W.

The structural and functional alterations of uterine epithelial cells that permit the apical-apical union of conceptus and uterine epithelium are complex and are likely to involve many different adhesion molecules with distinct but inter-related functions. A number of changes in the molecular composition at the apical surface of uterine epithelial cells associated with the transition from the pre-receptive to the receptive state in the pig uterus are reviewed. Molecules t...

bp0015cpr12 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Embryonic and fetal development in different genotypes in pigs

Ford S.P. , ,

It is widely accepted that uterine capacity, not ovulation rate, is the greatest restraint on litter size in pigs. Recently, the reproductive strategy(s) of the Chinese Meishan pig, a breed which farrows three to five more piglets per litter than US or European pig breeds, has come under intense scrutiny. It was initially determined that the Meishan female could farrow more viable piglets per litter than US or European pig breeds, with a uterine size and ovulation rate eq...