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Control of Pig Reproduction IV

Control of Pig Reproduction IV

Regulation of Oocyte and Embryonic Development in Pigs

bp0014cpr1 | Regulation of Oocyte and Embryonic Development in Pigs | CPR1993

Follicle–oocyte–sperminteractions in vivo and in vitro in pigs

Sirard M. A. , Dubuc A. , Bolamba D. , Zheng Y. , Coenen K.

In vitro culture has provided new information on the mechanisms involved in fertilization where two completely different cells fuse together. At the same time, results obtained in vitro have led to new questions. Does the follicle influence the final maturation process of the oocyte and does the oviduct regulate the normal behaviour of spermatozoa? Recent studies indicate a critical influence of both the follicular compartment and the oviduct on the norm...

bp0014cpr2 | Regulation of Oocyte and Embryonic Development in Pigs | CPR1993

Nuclear control of early embryonic development in domestic pigs

Prather R. S. ,

In mammals, growing oocytes have characteristically high levels of RNA synthesis. After the initiation of meiosis, that is germinal vesicle breakdown, this RNA synthesis ceases. Although there is limited evidence for RNA synthesis by the zygote, significant amounts of RNA synthesis do not occur until a species-specific cell stage. In pigs, significant amounts of mRNA synthesis cannot be detected before the four-cell stage. There appear to be three qualitatively different ...

bp0014cpr3 | Regulation of Oocyte and Embryonic Development in Pigs | CPR1993

Cytoplasmic inheritance and its effects on development and performance

Smith L. C. , Alcivar A. A. ,

In contrast to nuclear inheritance, cytoplasmic inheritance in mammals is derived mostly, if not exclusively, from the maternal line. Mitochondria, and their DNA molecules (mtDNA), are the genetic units of this method of inheritance. Mammalian mtDNA codes for 13 enzymes used in the mitochondrial energy-generating pathway, oxidative phosphorylation, 22 tRNAs and two rRNAs. Although all transcripts of mtDNA and their translational products remain in the mitochondria, most ...