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Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VII

Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VII

Ruminant Neuroendocrinology

bp0007rdr12 | Ruminant Neuroendocrinology | REDR2010

The role of kisspeptin and gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) in the seasonality of reproduction in sheep

Clarke IJ , Smith JT

Sheep are seasonal breeders and reproductive status is controlled by photoperiod. Recent recognition of the significant role for kisspeptin and gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) in the regulation of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) cells has provided a new perspective in the seasonal regulation of reproductive activity. Virtually all kisspeptin cells express estrogen receptors and kisspeptin is a potent stimulator of GnRH secretion. Thus, kisspeptin cells provide a c...

bp0007rdr13 | Ruminant Neuroendocrinology | REDR2010

Mammalian circannual pacemakers

Lincoln GA , Hazlerigg DG

Circannual clocks drive rhythms in reproduction and many other seasonal characteristics but the underlying control of these long-term oscillators remains a mystery. Now, we propose that circannual timing involves mechanisms that are integral to the ontogenetic life-history programme where annual transitions are generated by cell birth, death and tissue regeneration throughout the life cycle ߝ the histogenesis hypothesis. The intrinsic cycle is then timed by cues...